Watch Battle: Los Angeles

When unknown forces put the City of Angels under attack, it's up to a Marine staff sergeant (Aaron Eckhart) and his new platoon to come to the rescue. As the invasion hits the streets of L.A., the Marines become our first and last line of defense against a highly powerful enemy. This movie is getting high raves from movie critics.
Our take: Effects wise the film is good but not great with an unsure alien look and slightly dodgy looking space craft it tended to lapse between amazing explosions and urban warfare to computer game looking enemies almost in the same vain as 'Skyline'.
The film was kick ass for sure and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought despite the totally overused plot and run of the mill characters, it could be a poor mans 'Black Hawk Down' really but that would be a little harsh me thinks. The fighting is excellent fun to watch and that's about the best of it really as there are too many rips from other films going on, 'ID4' being the worst case naturally.
Solid but nothing groundbreaking which is kinda what I was expecting when I was hearing about it way back.Check it out now!